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July 31, 2014

Athlete Highlight - Jason Crist

Name: Jason CristHometown: Forest, VA

j Crist DL

Age: 41When did you first start training at CrossFit Lynchburg? November 2013Tell us about your sports & fitness background: I played basketball, football and ran track in High School and played basketball in college. Playing Rec basketball in 2000 I suffered a sub-talus dislocation on my right side and stopped doing much of anything fitness related after that. My activities picked back up around 2011 when I started doing P90X as well as outdoor “rucking” and survival events that involve orienteering, shooting and moving with weighted packs.How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? I had friends who were doing it and with the amount of hate-press the sport was getting in social media, I was fairly comfortable that it had to be a good thing!What was your first workout and how did it go ? I called Amanda on a Friday after trying for months to get in and she said “yes, can you come at 4:30?”. I eagerly accepted and made my way over. I’m not exactly sure what the Metcon was but it involved pull-ups, push-ups, burpees and a 400meter run for 3 rounds. I was asked to stop in the middle of the second round as I most certainly looked like I was near death. I couldn’t believe how fast others completed the workout and I was at a crossroads immediately, feeling that I could never complete a workout like that. I was demoralized and dead tired. I also saw the huge challenge that was in front of me, the opportunity to achieve physically what I thought was impossible. I chose to pursue the challenge and that was the best decision I’ve made in a long time.Favorite Workout/Least Favorite Workout: I just did Grace (30 Clean & Jerks at 135lbs) and I loved it. Cleans and presses are what I’ve done the best at. Thrusters, burpees and running are my least favorite.What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CrossFit? In the short time I’ve been doing CrossFit I feel that I have made great improvements in all areas of my body. I still have a long way to go but my shoulders, arms, legs and core areas all look better to me and also to my wife, which is always a good thing. What sort of unexpected changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit? I did not finish my physical therapy after the ankle injury which has caused a decade worth of degradation in mobility and increase soreness. While competing in outdoor events I had accepted a level of pain and performances my reality. CrossFit Lynchburg has reset that reality by helping me go through the previous injury issues one step at a time, rebuilding the bad areas as well as other parts of my body that were adversely affected by compensating. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that CrossFit Lynchburg would rebuild my broken body.Please share any of your favorite CrossFit Lynchburg moments: The Open was amazing, I had no idea I could achieve the level that I did. I love competition and the Open gives you that in a supportive environment. The people at CFL make me want to come back, it’s a positive and fun atmosphere. So on most days, 5:30 is my favorite “moment”.Any advice for people just getting started or new to CrossFit? Do it, you will want to keep going just give yourself the chance. Don’t rush to do PR’s and stay within yourself, especially for the first 6 months or so. That said, push yourself out of the gate on the cardio and non- Olympic lifting moves. You get out what you put in, if you are giving half-hearted effort, you’ll get matching results. STRETCH. As a 40+, stretching is a direct correlation to after-workout and next day soreness. Breeze through stretching and pay the price later!

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