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April 14, 2015

CFL Weightlifting - Week 3, Day 1

I hope you're enjoying the work being posted so far. I will have videos up shortly of the "green band routine" we have in the warm up, and also some of the drills we do frequently. Also, pay particular attention to good positions as you do the lifts. If one doesn't feel perfect, do it again. Don't obsess over it, because you need to move up in weight too, but be mindful that weightlifting is a strength sport that requires precision. Good luck!Warm Up-50 Calories on Airdyne or Rower-2 x 20 Green Band Good Mornings-Shoulder warm up routine-Green band stretch routineSnatch-5 x 5 Footwork drill. 10kg discs outside feet, "jump under" on to them.-2 x 3 at 70%, 2 x 3 at 75%, 1 x 2 at 80%, 1 x 2 at 82%, 3 x 1 at 84%Power Clean + 2 JerksWork to a moderate single in 15 minutes, doing a rep every other minuteAccessory Work4 x 8 Weighted Glute Ham Raises (use 5 to 10lbs, hold to chest)Alternate with4 x 5 Box Jump 30"+(Try and do a little higher than last week, use plates to achieve desired height)

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