Monday15 min to do followingSnatch- 1x3 @ 60% 1x3 @ 70% 2x2 @ 75% 1x2 @ 80%8 Min to do followingSnatch Grip High Pulls from above knee- 4x4 as heavy as possible2 Rounds600 m Run30 Jumping Split Squats20 Toes to Bar10 HSPUTuesdayFront Squat- 1x5 @ 55% 1x5 @ 65% 4x5 @ 75%8 Min to do :Sumo Stiff Legged Deadlifts 4x8 as heavy as possible with PERFECT formFor Time:50 Hang Clean 115/85 RX 155/105 RX+150 Double Unders50 Pull ups RX C2B RX+WednesdayStrict Press- 1x4 @ 74% 1x3 @ 82% 4x6 @ 74%"Beep Test"20 min EMOM7 Thrusters 75/557 Pull Ups7 Burpees* if you fail a rd, treat the remaining time as an AMRAPThursdayClean Complex- Clean deadlift + High Hang Clean+ CleanFor Time:21-15-9Deadlift300m RunFridayWalking Lunges w/ 2 KBs - 3x down and back length of boxSuperset w/ KB Bent Over Rows 3x max reps goal is 15+ each setSquat- 1x20 @ 60% + 5-10 lbs from last weekTBD