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May 4, 2015

CrossFit Lynchburg Weightlifting - Week 6, Day 1

Warm Up-300m Run x 2-2 x 20 Green Band Good Mornings-Shoulder warm up routine-Green band stretch routineSnatch-5 x 5 Muscle Snatch, barbell only-5 x 2 Tall Snatch, no more than 50%, work on speed under bar - MOVE THE FEET!!-2 x 3 at 70%, 1 x 3 at 75%, 1 x 2 at 80%, 1 x 2 at 82%, 1 x 1 at 84%, 1 x 1 at 86%, 1 x 1 at 88%, 2 x 1 at 90%Power Clean & Jerk Complex-3 x 10 Split Jerks, empty barbell - perfect footwork here!!-Mid Hang Power Clean + 2 Split Jerks - work to a heavy single for the complexAccessory Work-6 x 6 Glute Ham RaisesAlternate with-6 x 6 Snatch Grip Push Press

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