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September 3, 2014

Athlete Highlight - Lona Isaacs

Name: Lona JacksonHometown: Cincinnati Ohio/ now Madison Heights VA


Age: 51When did you first start training at CrossFit Lynchburg? OCT 2013Tell us about your sports & fitness background: Athlete all my life, played college basketball, enjoy all types of sports and fitnessHow did you first get exposed to Crossfit? Google it... seriously ! Found the closest box and step into that first workout , drank that cool aid and was HOOKED! I come from a lot of fitness adventures...I started running out of college, did half marathons, full marathons, triathlons wanted something more so I started lifting weights did the global gym and P90X. Wanted something started Insanity Dvd's then started my own Boot Camp sessions which combined P90x, lifting weights and Insanity type exercises. Did a figure show....but still was looking for something more. You see the pattern of “wanting something more”...little did I know I was looking for CrossFit all along and just did not know. You see CrossFit fullfills each and every goal you are looking to achieve. Why is CrossFit so different? You never get bored of wanting to achieve yet another goal or dream. Once you meet that goal there is yet another one (goat ) as we say that you want to achieve. My goats—pull ups, toes 2 bar, snatches and double unders!!! What have I gotten better at?...Overhead Squats, front squats and power cleans. Last but not least....CrossFit is MORE than the is all about that box that becomes your second HOME. Its about caring so deeply for these people and coaches that you sweat, cry, puke, high five, encourage, lift up, stand with—truly this is what keeps you coming back. Its all about the people and coaches who make your dreams come true.What was your first workout and how did it go ? Burpees and kettlebell swings ...can you believe it ...and I came back that's the crazy part. Thought I was going to die but soon realized that this pushed me into a mental achievement.Favorite Workout/Least Favorite Workout: favorite anything with Overhead Squats! LOV.... Least Toes 2 BarWhat sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting Crossfit?/ This is by far the strongest I have ever been, thought I was before but nothing compares to the strength I have gained in crossfit. What sort of unexpected changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like Crossfit? To change my mind set of trying to stay “ LEAN” and focus on how “STRONG” can I be. Women especially have this mental block. Once you mentally change this you will become LEAN an STRONG at same time!Please share any of your favorite CrossFit/ CrossFit Lynchburg moments: Doing kettelbell swings--- 131 times in a row! Any advice for people just getting started or new to Crossfit? Come join the family you have always wanted.

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