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January 28, 2016

Body Weight WODs

We've posted some "Hotel WODs" in the past around summer time when people are traveling more and still need to train. Here's another list of WODs you can do that require no equipment. Keep in mind, you can repeat these and see if you can beat your previous score. You don't always have to have a fresh WOD that you've never done before day in and day out. Repeating a workout is a great way to work either harder or smarter to improve. It's also a great way to track your progress. You'll notice there are A LOT of burpees in these WODs. We love burpees because they are relatively safe, work almost every muscle in the body and can be done by just about anyone. ALSO - If you are new to CrossFit and doing some of the volume in the WODs below seems like a daunting task, then scale it back some. Try doing 75% of the work load or even half the work load. Doing work with time or rep parameters so it is measurable is the idea, and if the way you scaled it makes it too easy, then you'll know for next time to do a little more work to get a better workout in. If you are going to scale it, set your numbers in advance and then do the WOD, don't start and decide to scale it because it is suddenly harder than you thought. Work hard and enjoy!!For Time:30 BurpeesRests 4 MinutesRepeat 3-4 Times[video][/video]5 Rounds for Time:30 Air Squats15 Burpees[video][/video]10 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)10 Lunges10 Burpees[video][/video]5 Rounds for Time:30 Sec Front Plank30 Air Squats15 Push UpsFor Time:Run 800 Meters50 Sit Ups50 Push UpsRun 800 Meters10 Min EMOM (Every Min On the Min)10 Burpees**Do 10 Burpees, then Rest for remainder of the minute**15 Min EMOM8 BurpeesRest for remainder of the minuteFor Time:50-30-10Push UpsLungesFor Time:100 Burpees(12 Min Time Cap)12 Min AMRAP20 Burpees20 Sit UpsRecord Each Time:600m RunRest 3 Min400m RunRest 3 Min200m Run**Rest 5 Min and repeat all once**For Time:150 Air Squats75 Burpees(Split work into sets in any manner)20 Min EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute)Even: 20 LungesOdd: 10 Push Ups9 Min Rotation:40 Sec Front Plank HoldRest 20 Sec40 Sec Left Plank HoldRest 20 Sec40 Sec Right Plank HoldRest 20 Sec**Repeat 3x**For Time:100 Lunges**Every time a minute turns over do 5 burpees**

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