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July 21, 2015

CrossFit Lynchburg Weightlifting - Cycle 2, Week 7

Week seven of cycle two. The purpose of this work is to give CrossFit Lynchburg athletes more practice in the snatch and clean & Jerk, to work on things they won't get to in class or to work on things more. Think of weightlifting the way you would golf - so many things to work on that require constant practice.Before each session get warmed up with a barbell and practice positions of the lifts. Here's some suggestions:Barbell WorkOlympic Lifting Warm Up - MobilityOlympic Lifting Warm Up - ActivationOlympic Lifting Warm Up - Movement PrepDay 1Tall Snatch-Work to a heavy singlePower Clean + Clean + 2 JerksAccumulate 8 singles for the complex, go as heavy as possibleAccessory Work3 x 10 GHD Hyperextensions(use a light load if possible)Day 2Snatch with pause at the kneeWork to a Heavy DoubleTall CleanWork to a heavy DoubleAccessory WorkJerk Practice - 5 x 5, go use medium weight, perfect footworkDay 3Snatch-Accumulate 6 reps between 85%-90%Clean & JerkSame as SnatchAccessory Work10 Min EMOM-50m Sprint

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