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June 16, 2015

CrossFit Lynchburg Weightlifting - Cycle 2, Week 2

Week two of cycle two. The purpose of this work is to give CrossFit Lynchburg athletes more practice in the snatch and clean & Jerk, to work on things they won't get to in class or to work on things more. The lifts are technical and require practice, so meeting goals will probably not happen within the limitations of regular CrossFit classes.Day 1SnatchTall Snatch - work to a heavy singleClean Complex:Clean + 2 Split Jerks10 Singles at 75%-80%Accessory WorkGlute Ham Raises 6 x 6, use weight if possibleDay 2Power Snatch8 x 2 at 70%Clean Complex:Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Push JerkWork to a heavy single for the complexAccessory WorkTurkish Get Ups5 x 3 Each Hand, as heavy as possibleDay 3Snatch8 Singles at 90%-95%Clean & JerkSame as SnatchAccessory Work3 x 10 Back Extensions, use weight if possible

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